Saturday, March 11, 2017

God Chastises Those Who Neglect His Law

I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 
"God assures us that a nation, which is faithful in observing the laws regarding the divine service, shall be blessed above other nations. History is one long illustration of the truth of this promise. Of all the nations which have fallen, there is not one that has not brought the chastisement upon itself by its neglect of the Law of God.

"At times, the Almighty delays to strike; but it is only that the chastisement may be the more evident and produce a more salutary effect upon mankind. When we would know the future of a country, we need only observe how it comports itself with regard to the laws of the Church. If its own laws are based on the principles and practices of Christianity, that country is sound, in spite of certain weaknesses here and there. Revolutions may disturb its peace, but it will triumph over all.

"If the bulk of its people is faithful in the observance of external practices prescribed by the Church: for example, if they observe the Lord's day, and the holy fast of Lent, there is a fund of morality in that country which is sure to draw down upon it the blessings of heaven.

"Irreligious men will scoff at all this, and call it superstition, prejudice of weak minds, and out of date for an age of progress like ours. But if their theories were to rule, and a country, which up to this time had been practically Catholic, were to seek progress by infringing the law of Christian ritual, it would, in less than a hundred years, find that public and private morality had lost ground, and its own security would be menaced.

"Man may talk and write as he likes: God wishes to be served and honored by His people, and it is for Him to prescribe what are to be the forms of this service and adoration.

"Every injury offered to external worship, which is the great social link, is an injury to the interests of mankind. Even were there not the word of God for it, it is but just that such a consequence should follow."

(Taken from The Liturgical Year Volume 5 (Lent) for Ember Saturday - Dom Prosper Gueranger)

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