Monday, May 28, 2012

A Call to Action: Women of Social Media

I believe it is time for my quarterly "Call to Action" to all the beautiful women of Facebook.

I am going to cite the Bible, and regardless of whether or not you're a Christian, I think  what follows will apply to everyone:
"Your adornment should not be an external one: braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes, but rather the hidden character of the heart, expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and calm disposition, which is precious in the sight of God." - 1 Peter 3:3-4

Fr. Troy spoke in his homily on Saturday evening about how the devil, as the prince of this world in which we live, knows exactly how to entice men and women:
Men - through lust; by the rampant, illicit sexuality, sometimes explicit and others latent, trying to elicit a response of temporal gratification...ILLICIT, EXPLICIT, ELICIT (my words, not his)
Women - through vanity; just as women are used to entice men so are they used to make other women feel inferior or like they have some kind of false standard of harlotry to live up to.

We are now entering that time of year when waves of pictures of young women in all sorts of sultry, summer attire (or even less than that) will inundate the media, not the least of these being social media (aka Facebook).

Please, before you prepare to post the first or next set of photos of yourself, ask yourself, "what do these pictures say about me and how I value myself and my sexuality? Am I posting these pictures in good moral conscience, with the intent of propagating the good, or am I seeking a false sense of worth stemming from superficial "likes,""too cute!!"-s, et al.

I may choose to expound upon this further with a longer blog post in the near future. But for now, hear my plea for purity, chastity, and " imperishable beauty."

God Bless

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