Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Breaking: Pope Francis Responds to Bishop Fellay's Condition of "Survival"

"I think we do not have to wait for everything to be resolved in the Church, for all the problems to be solved. But a certain number of conditions are necessary, and for us the essential condition is our survival."

H.E. Bishop Fellay recently appeared on a French program and openly discussed, among a few topics, the possible Personal Prelature from Rome.

His Excellency stated that the essential condition for a "deal" is the survival of the Society of St. Pius X.

Last week, February 2, Pope Francis responded (if not directly, at least indirectly) to Bishop Fellay:

A temptation that can make our consecrated life barren [is] the temptation of survival.
 An evil that can gradually take root within us and within our communities.  The mentality of survival makes us reactionaries, fearful, slowly and silently shutting ourselves up in our houses and in our own preconceived notions.  It makes us look back, to the glory days – days that are past – and rather than rekindling the prophetic creativity born of our founders’ dreams, it looks for shortcuts in order to evade the challenges knocking on our doors today.  
A survival mentality robs our charisms of power, because it leads us to “domesticate” them, to make them “user-friendly”, robbing them of their original creative force.  It makes us want to protect spaces, buildings and structures, rather than to encourage new initiatives.  

The temptation of survival makes us forget grace; it turns us into professionals of the sacred but not fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters of that hope to which we are called to bear prophetic witness.  An environment of survival withers the hearts of our elderly, taking away their ability to dream.  In this way, it cripples the prophecy that our young are called to proclaim and work to achieve.  

In a word, the temptation of survival turns what the Lord presents as an opportunity for mission into something dangerous, threatening, potentially disastrous.  This attitude is not limited to the consecrated life, but we in particular are urged not to fall into it.

This should hopefully put an end to any rumors of a deal with Rome. While this was not clearly directed at the Society, the timing is hard to ignore.
Hopefully this message was received by Bishop Fellay and is given consideration.

What is clear is that those who are presently in "power" in Rome have no intention of compromising, no desire to change.

And so would the Society be ensured survival if canonically integrated with Conciliar Rome? No. Not if Francis has it his way. He and the current Roman regime are like a boa constrictor. Stepping inside its cold, scaly body would produce quite the opposite effect. Best to wait until the serpents are driven from Rome before getting any closer.

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