Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Proof Pozzo is a Dyed-in-the-Wool Liberal

In recent interviews, Archbishop Guido Pozzo has made it clear that - as a condition of Personal
Prelature - he expects the Society to enter into "non-polemical" dialogue.
"I do not see why this work of clarification and the answers to doubts and reservations raised by an ecclesiastical and non-polemical spirit can not be carried forward." - Die Tagespost, March 17, 2017
He said likewise a year earlier when asked "What Obstacles Remain?" [to a canonical agreement]:
"There is also the level of mental and psychological attitudes, which is to move from a position of polemical and antagonistic confrontation, to a position of listening and mutual respect, esteem and confidence, as it should be between members of the same Body of Christ, which is the Church." - Zenit, February 26, 2016

Let us compare this mindset to that of Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, famous champion of anti-liberalism who earned the complete support and endorsement of Pope Leo XIII for his priceless work, Liberalism is a Sin.

"Narrow! Intolerant! Uncompromising! These are the epithets of odium hurled by Liberal votaries of all degrees...Are not your vigorous denunciations, it is urged against us, harsh and uncharitable and in the very teeth of the teaching of Christianity, which is essentially a religion of love? Such is the accusation continually flung in our face
"The Catechism [of the Council of Trent] us the most complete and succinct definition of charity; it is full of wisdom and philosophy. Charity is a supernatural virtue which induces us to love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves for the love of God...Amare est velle bonum, replies the philosopher. "To love is to wish good to him whom we love."...What is that good which true love wishes? First of all supernatural good.
"It follows, therefore, that we can love our neighbor when displeasing him, when opposing him, when causing him some material injury...When we correct the wicked by restraining or by punishing them, we do nonetheless love them. This is charity—and perfect charity.
"Therefore, to offend our neighbor for the love of God is a true act of charity. Not to offend our neighbor for the love of God is a sin.
"Modern Liberalism reverses this order; it imposes a false notion of charity: our neighbor first, and, if at all, God afterwards.
"Sovereign Catholic inflexibility is sovereign Catholic charity...The Saints are the types of this unswerving and sovereign fidelity to God, the heroes of charity and religion...
"Liberalism...accuses Catholics of lack of charity in their polemics...Si palam res est, repetitio injuria non est: To say what everybody knows is no injury.
"As the Church has always considered heresy a very grave evil, so has she always called its adherents bad and pervert...There is then no sin against charity in calling evil; its authors abettors and its disciples bad; all its acts, words, and writings iniquitous, wicked, malicious. In short, the wolf has always been called the wolf; and in so calling it, no one ever has believed that wrong was done to the flock and the shepherd.

Father Salvany goes on to cite only a small portion of the holy men who have given us an example of true, polemical charity!

 "St. John the Baptist calls the Pharisees a "race of vipers";

 "Jesus Christ, Our Divine Saviour, hurls at them the epithets "hypocrites, whitened sepulchres, a perverse and adulterous generation," without thinking for this reason that He sullies the sanctity of His benevolent speech.

 "St. Paul criticizes the schismatic Cretians as "always liars, evil beasts, slothful bellies." The same Apostle calls Elymas the magician a "Seducer, full of guile and deceit, a child of the devil, an enemy of all justice."

 "The pacific St. Thomas Aquinas forgets the calm of his cold syllogisms when he hurls his violent apostrophe against William of St. Amour and his disciples: "Enemies of God" he cries out, "ministers of the devil, members of antichrist, ignorami, perverts, reprobates!"

"The seraphic St. Bonaventure, so full of sweetness, overwhelms his adversary Gerard with such epithets as "impudent, calumniator, spirit of malice, impious, shameless, ignorant, impostor, malefactor, perfidious, ingrate!"

"Did St. Francis de Sales, so delicately exquisite and tender, ever purr softly over the heretics of his age and country?...In his Introduction to the Devout Life, that precious and popular work, he expresses himself again: "If the declared enemies of God and of the Church ought to be blamed and censured with all possible vigor, charity obliges us to cry wolf when the wolf slips into the midst of the flock and in every way and place we may meet him."

It is clear from the above that Msgr Pozzo is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, just like the rest of those who have usurped the authority of the Holy See.

I leave you with one final quote from a pontiff of holy memory...ask yourself if there is a Cardinal on earth who believes the following to still be true:

"...[some] hold it for certain that men destitute of all religious sense are very rarely to be found, they seem to have founded on that belief a hope that the nations, although they differ among themselves in certain religious matters, will without much difficulty come to agree as brethren in professing certain doctrines, which form as it were a common basis of the spiritual life.
    "For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission. Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule.
    "Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little. turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called; from which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion." (Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, 1928, #2)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

20 Questions for Bishop Fellay Regarding a Personal Prelature

The following is a list of questions which I pose to Bishop Fellay in regards to a potential Personal Prelature with Conciliar Rome.
These questions are posed in sincerity and with filial love for Holy Mother Church.
The responses are actual statements of His Excellency from a talk he gave in August of 2016.

1. Why is a personal prelature beneficial?
“All the sacraments the faithful will belong to this body will have the strict right to receive all the Sacraments from the priests of the Society. All the Sacraments, marriage included.”

2. But doesn't the Society already profess to have all of these things under Supplied Jurisdiction? I was married in a Society chapel. Do you say it is invalid?
[No answer available]

3. What will change if Rome gives the SSPX a personal prelature?
“At the head, a bishop. This bishop, chosen by the Pope, with three names which are presented by the Society and taken in the Society. This bishop will have authority above the priests, above the religious who want to be members, and above the faithful. This bishop will have the right to have schools, seminaries, ordinations, even to make NEW religious congregations and accept inside others who like to join. It is something like a superdiocese, autonomous from the local bishops.
No change for you [faithful] now, the only thing will be with the recognition that you are Catholics.”

4. What are the risks of a Personal Prelature?
“You can imagine that will cause a lot of problems with the local bishops, so we have to remain prudent there.
“[But] You cannot imagine anything better than what is offered there. And such a thing that you cannot think, ‘That’s a trap.’ It’s NOT a trap. And if somebody is offering something like that, it can be only because he wants good to us. He wants the good of Tradition. He wants Tradition to, we say, spread in the Church. It is impossible to think that such a thing could be invented by enemies. The enemies have many other ways to crush us down; but not that one.”

5. Why do you not, then, accept the Personal Prelature that is being offered?
“Because I want to be sure that this is true. I do not have the right to live in a dream, and so I have to check every step. "

6. But didn’t you say it cannot possibly be a trap? Why do you need to be sure it is true that it is not a trap if it is not possible that it is a trap?
“I myself am surprised. I myself say, ‘What’s going on?’”

7. What is the condition of accepting a Personal Prelature?
“That we do not change. We are what we are, and we remain as we are.”

8. But what about the condition that Archbishop Lefebvre laid out that the discussions must be placed at the doctrinal level and that Rome (Pope especially) must acknowledge that they profess what their predecessors have taught? What about the need that Conciliar Rome convert back to the true faith before we have any part with them?
[No answer available]

9. What about the quote from the Archbishop in 1989 that “It is a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the tradition of the Church and of the Catholic Faith?”
[No answer available]

10. Why has the SSPX not issued its own formal Dubia to Pope Francis? Or why do you not ask him to his face specifically what he believes? Wouldn’t that be prudent?
[No answer available]

11. What does it mean when you say that there are many in Rome supportive of the Society?
“They say to us, ‘You must resist. Why don’t you accept the proposal from Rome?’ Yes, and I say to them, ‘And tomorrow they will say we must say the New Mass.’ And they say to us, ‘No no you must resist!’
Is that the language you have ever heard in the Church? Bishops who start to say to us, ‘You must resist?’ Of course they are not all like that, but now they exist and they grow in number. So for me, it’s really not impossible that we are at a determining point at the history of Council Vatican II.”

12. How many Cardinals knowingly support the Society?
“We are NOT alone…even in the hierarchy of the Church. We are not alone.”

13. How many bishops knowingly support the Society?
“I do not give you the name, but I just want to make you aware of what is going on in the Church. We have a bishop who says, ‘We are many bishops.’ He says stay firm. I can really tell you, he is not the only one.”

14. Why, if these cardinals and bishops support the Society, do they not come forward and speak up? Is it not their responsibility to be courageous?
[No answer available]

15. Do the same cardinals and bishops who support the society also support Vatican II and believe JPII and John XXIII were saints? Or do they hold the exact same position as the Society in these matters?
[No answer available]

16. On April 27, 2015, an article appeared on the SSPX US web site stating that Msgr Pozzo’s actions speak louder than his words, specifically that “he pretends to hold out to us a smooth hand in the hope that we will believe that all is well in the Vatican, and that everyone is waiting for us with wide-open hearts and no second thoughts!” In essence, the article suggested that he cannot be trusted. Do you agree?
“The same Msgr Pozzo told me, ‘You should think to open a seminary in Italy.’ He says that now! He asks us to open a seminary in Italy…now! We don’t even have an agreement. That’s not a trap! It’s because they need priests! That’s why they say that.”

17. Do you not believe this could be because it would be easier for them to send in infiltrators into that seminary to try to slowly subvert and destroy the Society, and it would be easier for them to mentor those moles if they were closer in proximity to Rome? Or possibly that he is just trying to appease you to make you think he is your ally only to later stab you in the back?
“Such a thing that you cannot think, ‘That’s a trap.’ It’s NOT a trap…[they] have many other ways to crush us down; but not that one.”

18. Why would Rome offer a personal prelature to the Society, sine qua non? What do they stand to gain from this?
“Once again, the only answer I have is that this is happening because some people [who] still have a conscience are horrified by what is happening in the Church.”

19. So you believe that Pope Francis, Cardinal Müller and Archbishop Pozzo are all horrified by their own actions?
“It’s something…chaotic. Because you have the Pope who is not on the right side. That’s the big problem.”

20. But didn’t you say that if he is offering the Society such a deal that it can only be because he wants the good of Tradition?
“I have, for the time being, nothing. No decision. I cannot say it is happening tomorrow or in one year. I have no clue. I want to be in the reality.
But if we are recognized, I can tell you, that will be the start of a big fight. Not the struggle we are already in, but let’s say it would become even more intense.”

Saturday, March 11, 2017

God Chastises Those Who Neglect His Law

I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. 
"God assures us that a nation, which is faithful in observing the laws regarding the divine service, shall be blessed above other nations. History is one long illustration of the truth of this promise. Of all the nations which have fallen, there is not one that has not brought the chastisement upon itself by its neglect of the Law of God.

"At times, the Almighty delays to strike; but it is only that the chastisement may be the more evident and produce a more salutary effect upon mankind. When we would know the future of a country, we need only observe how it comports itself with regard to the laws of the Church. If its own laws are based on the principles and practices of Christianity, that country is sound, in spite of certain weaknesses here and there. Revolutions may disturb its peace, but it will triumph over all.

"If the bulk of its people is faithful in the observance of external practices prescribed by the Church: for example, if they observe the Lord's day, and the holy fast of Lent, there is a fund of morality in that country which is sure to draw down upon it the blessings of heaven.

"Irreligious men will scoff at all this, and call it superstition, prejudice of weak minds, and out of date for an age of progress like ours. But if their theories were to rule, and a country, which up to this time had been practically Catholic, were to seek progress by infringing the law of Christian ritual, it would, in less than a hundred years, find that public and private morality had lost ground, and its own security would be menaced.

"Man may talk and write as he likes: God wishes to be served and honored by His people, and it is for Him to prescribe what are to be the forms of this service and adoration.

"Every injury offered to external worship, which is the great social link, is an injury to the interests of mankind. Even were there not the word of God for it, it is but just that such a consequence should follow."

(Taken from The Liturgical Year Volume 5 (Lent) for Ember Saturday - Dom Prosper Gueranger)